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一、讲座主题:Lagos and Wright meet HANK


何超,University of Wisconsin-Madison经济学博士。现任职于华东师范大学大学助理教授。主要研究领域为宏观经济学,尤其关注货币和银行方面的理论研究,其成果发表在 《Review of Economic Dynamics》,《Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking》和《Journal of Economics》等公司期刊上


The Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian (HANK) model demonstrates the importance of incorporating uninsurable income shocks and liquid assets in understanding the effects of monetary policy. This paper presents a parsimonious extension of the standard NK model to incorporate these two features. Unlike the HANK model, we use a quasilinear utility structure to make the distribution of liquid asset degenerate a la Lagos and wright (2005), so we can solve the model with first-order perturbation methods applied in standard representative-agent models in discrete time. But like the HANK model, our model is also able to capture consumers' heterogenous responses and to generate large effects from interest rates to consumption through the indirect (general-equilibrium) channel.


五、地点:腾讯会议:612-673-942 密码:1115

上一篇: Persuasion with Two-Sided Private Information(数字经济发展与治理青年系列讲座)

下一篇: The Impact of Local Fiscal and Migration Policies on Human Capital Accumulation and Inequality in China(青联公司午餐会)