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一、讲座主题:The Impact of Local Fiscal and Migration Policies on Human Capital Accumulation and Inequality in China

二、主讲人:张吉鹏,于美国匹兹堡大学获经济学博士,全球赌船十大网站(中国)有限公司教授。研究领域为中国经济、公共经济学、行为与实验经济学,成果见诸于International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,《中国社会科学》《经济研究》《经济学(季刊)》等国内外期刊。

三、主要内容:  There have been large differences in the economic development among regions and cities in China since the country embraced market-based reforms in the late 1970s. This inequality in spatial development has caused large internal migration flows as households from rural areas have sought economic opportunities for themselves and their children in urban areas. We document that many internal migrants have not obtained full residency rights and, as a consequence, have not enjoyed the same access to local public goods and services as city residents. Unequal access to educational opportunities implies that children of migrants have lower levels of human capital accumulation than children of residents. The internal migration controls, therefore, create barriers to mobility across the income and wealth distributions within China. We develop and estimate a spatial overlapping generations model with heterogeneous households to study the feasibility of a recently proposed reform of internal migration policies that offers the potential of decreasing inequality within China. We find that this policy change significantly increases the college attainment of migrant children born in rural areas and, therefore, promises to increase the number of high-skill workers. However, it requires significant tax increases to offset the reduction of the positive fiscal externalities provided by migrants.                                                                               .                                



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