金融英语 第十九讲
2007年06月17日 00:00  点击:[]





1 economies of scale 规模经济

2 homogeneity 同种,同一

3 cater to the need of 迎合...的需要

4 barrier 障碍

5 GATT 关税及贸易总协定 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 的缩写

6 World Trade Organisation 世界贸易组织,简称WTO

7 trade liberalisation 贸易自由化


It is true in lots of industries, large plants can make goods much cheaper than small plants. And in some industries we can see a movement towards increasing economies of scale. In other words, the minimum size of plant or the most economic size of plant is getting larger and larger.

Another necessary condition for globalisation is the increasing homogeneity of consumer tastes. There are an increasing number of consumers in Brazil; who have almost precisely the same set of needs and requirements as consumers in Germany. So consequently it becomes easier for a producer to try to cater to the needs of both markets, because the market differences have now really diminished to a point where they virtually dont exist.

Another explanation for globalisation is the behaviour of governments. Historically, there have been barriers to trade that have been put up by governments. Particularly since the Second World War, inter-government bodies such as the GATT and the World Trade Organisation have really encouraged governments to liberalise trade, which means to remove political barriers, so that trade liberalisation has been again an important necessary condition for globalisation.


的确在很多行业中,大工厂能够以比小工厂低得多的成本生产产品。在有些行业中我们可以看到“规 模 经 济”不断增加的趋势。换句话说,就是工厂的最小规模或者说工厂的最经济的规模变得越来越大。





1 the fall in the cost of communications and transportation,通讯和交通费用的降低;

2 the increasing economies of scale,生产规模的扩大;

3 the homogeneity of consumer tastes,顾客品味的趋于一致;

4 the governments efforts in pursuing trade liberalisation,政府作出的贸易自由化努力等等。

莫纳什大学经济学副教授特雷西补充说,multinational corporations,跨国公司的发展也是经济全球化的因素之一。

First of all, by multinational enterprises I mean those firms that produce and market their products in two or more countries. Now those sort of companies dominate in the more capital intensive industries such as automobiles, consumer electronics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and so on.

I see multinationals as one of the main agents through which globalisation takes place. They certainly play a major role in the movement of capital world-wide. We see that foreign direct investment has been growing roughly three times as fast as total investment.

Having said that, few firms are really truly global. Most firms still remain firmly rooted in their domestic economies, although the number of those truly global firms is certainly increasing.


1 multinational enterprises 跨国公司,多国企业

2 dominate 支配,控制

3 capital intensive industries 资本密集产业

4 agent 中介,媒介

5 movement of capital 资本流动







1 economies of scale 规模经济

2 homogeneity 同种,同一

3 cater to the need of 迎合...的需要

4 barrier 障碍

5 trade liberalisation 贸易自由化

6 multinational enterprises 跨国公司,多国企业

7 dominate 支配,控制

8 capital intensive industries 资本密集产业

9 agent 中介,动力

10 movement of capital 资本流动


上一条:金融英语 第十八讲 下一条:金融英语 第二十讲


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